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You searched for: take out

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  • Snake’s hamsters takeout bag is delivered missing 3 eaten by driver with stomach lumps evidence.
  • Monkey date apologizes fur infested in head lice but girlfriend loves he brought lunch.
  • Takeout pizza delivered has kitty’s nasty dead rodent topping order.
  • Godzilla monster destroying city picks up sidewalk curb to eat people is first curbside pick-up.
  • Crow in tree eating bag of road kill asks snobby crow eating boulevard kill when it got hoity toity.
  • Scavenger crow asks other bird if it wants curbside pick-up by flattened animal hit by car.
  • Indoor cat by mouse hole tells cat going out to hunt for food it will wait for delivery.
  • Tree gets depressing Chinese fortune cookie paper that says he will be a fortune.
  • Tarzan orders banana monkey delivery with cellphone food delivering ape app.
  • Dad's recipe is a pizza shaped like a turkey.
  • Mom edits alphabet soup for son by taking out all the Fs.

  • A man reads a fortune cookie fortune that says "you will look like a fool" on one side and has teeth on the other side.

You searched for: take out